Thursday, February 27, 2014

Meet & Greet: The Project

Dear Reader,

for my WISE Project, I will be composing music and lyrics for a brand new Ithaca High School Alma Mater. I love exploring the power that music can have on a listener, and I want to create a memorable piece of music that will instill pride in the hearts of IHS grads. Music has always had an impact on me, and I want to share that power with my fellow classmates as we move out into the "real world".


  • compose a memorable piece of music for 4-part a cappella choir
  • create separate arrangements for symphony orchestra and pep band
  • gain an exemplary understanding of music theory in order to test out of freshman theory courses at Ithaca College
One of my biggest fears is that I won't complete all the separate arrangements, so I need to prioritize my time and focus mainly on writing for a 4-part a cappella choir.

I hope that by completing this project, I will have an exemplary understanding of traditional music composition. This can be measured by how well I do on my music placement exams at Ithaca College.

I am very excited to begin this project and hopefully create a point of unity for Ithaca High School students.


Michael Stern

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