Sunday, June 8, 2014

An Era Comes to an End

What a journey it has been! This is my final post, so I will take this time to reflect back on my original goals and the project as a whole.

I completed my basic goal of composing original music and lyrics for the Ithaca High School Alma Mater. Mission accomplished, right? Wrong.

My mission was much greater than that. I desired a greater understanding of the "ins" and "outs" of music, and I have pushed myself to learn everything I can about them. I feel like a much stronger musician now, and I have a greater understanding and appreciation for every piece of music I play or sing. I've experienced everything that goes into the creation of these incredible works of art.

While I've learned that I sometimes lack in keeping my fans updated, I know that it is OK to prioritize what needs to get done. Blogging about how the project needs to get done? Or just do the project?

I failed to write out the alma mater for pep band and orchestra as I had originally planned, but that will be an easy step now that everything is written. Perhaps a summer project is in store!

I have had so much fun exploring music and myself, and I've learned that I'm on the right path. All I want to do now is compose powerful music that touches the soul in a way that cannot be found through words alone.

Music gives us a power that nothing else can fathom. It is the universal language by which we all communicate, and I believe that one day, it will bring together nations, let alone Ithaca High School.

"Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common."
         -Sarah Dessen

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